Wintering on a Canal Boat: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

We only have a few days to get out of the Basin at Llangollen, but Winter storms scupper our plans. After a trip on the Steam Train at Llangollen, we make the decision to head out and face strong winds, rain and fallen trees as we cross over the famous aqueducts on what is supposed to be a 19mile journey. But we get stopped in our tracks! #narrow boats England YouTube #canal narrowboat videos #narrowboat #narrowboatlife #travelvlog #travelcouple #canalboat #electricpropulsion #floitingourboat #onedaymoor
Paul & Anthony together with Dexter live full time, but manage to work part-time, on a Narrowboat, cruising the UK Canals and finding out what it’s really like to be Living on a boat exploring the Nature and scenery on some of the best canals and rivers in the UK onboard an Oakums Narrowboat called Morning Star. Our brand brand new narrowboat from Oakums Narrowboats is embracing the latest technology including lithium, solar, and electric propulsion, the boat will be coal and gas free. We can’t wait to share our new adventures with you.

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🌐Oakums Narrowboats

According to Channel 5 we are a Yorkshire couple living on a Narrowboat. We are happy to be adopted by Yorkshire as we love it there. Can we work part time and live full time from a Narrowboat? Why not follow our journey.

🌐 See our BBC Northwest Clip here

πŸ“Ί Watch more videos πŸ“Ί

🎬 Wet & Wild on a Narrowboat – Three Tunnels by Boat – Getting Soaked Ep137

🎬 I Have a Confession about Narrowboat Life – Lost Focus – What Next? Ep139

🎬 Real Life on a Narrowboat – What Are We Doing in the run up to Autumn? Ep140

🎬 Bonus Vlog – Meeting Narrowboat Vloggers – Getting Ready to Leave the Canal p141

🎬 We make it onto the Beautiful Llangollen Canal – Narrowboat Bucket List Destination – Ep142

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Paul & Anthony

Paul and Anthony decided to quit the norm and move onto a narrowboat with their dog Dexter. They now live full-time on Narrowboat Morning Star, filming their adventures to share with people around the world.

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