We have sold our house and now waiting to move onto a brand new Narrowboat. We look at the layout of our boat and find out why we are calling it Morning Star. I crash my drone. Our American...
Another step closer to our dream of living on a new narrowboat. Will the current crisis effect our chances of owning a brand new NARROWBOAT? Will our house sale still go ahead?
Join us on a walk and find out if our new Narrowboat build will still go ahead? We are Paul & Anthony a Lancashire couple with a dog called Dexter who are selling our house and buying a brand...
We are selling our house & buying a BRAND NEW BICKERSTAFFE NARROWBOAT. Hoping to have a more relaxing lifestyle on the UK Canals. Join us as our journey begins.
Subscribe today and join our Community. Subscribe to our channel here It’s free and you won’t miss out on future videos. Who are we? We are Paul & Anthony and together with our dog...
How the recent circumstances impacts our lives as the Country goes into shutdown. Will it also effect the sale of our house? Waiting for our narrowboat completion date and the worries behind recent...
Our beautiful new Narrowboat Home took a year to build from oder to completion. A worrying time for everyone 2020 is the year we all want to erase from our history. We sold our house one week before...
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